Monday, October 17, 2011

Off the charts!

Marcus is off the charts. We're dealing with a child who has an adult sense of humor, uses large words correctly in conversations, can play chess, and is beginning to read. In addition to all of that, he's a couple grades ahead in math. What's amazing about all of this is that he's only 5, and he's been this way in many respects, since he was 2. The kid counts by tens. He can add and subtract. He counts higher than any kid in his class and knows about money denominations etc. Jen and I are just amazed and wondering where he came from.

Tonight while I was getting him down to sleep he said, "You know what, Dad?"

"No. What?"

"Knowing yourself is more important than money."

"Really. Where did you hear that?"

"Nowhere. I just thought it."

"Interesting. Tell me what that means. Why is it more important to know yourself?"

"Well, you can die, and money is just for buying things."

"Yes, so your life is more important because you can love and have fun and do things, but money doesn't buy you happiness?"

"Hmm mmm."

"Very cool, Marcus. Have a good sleep, buddy."

On the other side of things, Jen and I are a little concerned about OCD in him. He exhibits some ritual behavior. He's going through a lot right now, and is pretty advanced for his age. It's hard for him to fit in with his peers too. Jen saw him at school playing on the swings by himself recently. She asked him why he wasn't playing with his friends. "They were playing tag. I don't get that game." He also has a lot of fears right now. He's going through a huge growth spurt and Jen and I are just trying to be there to support him. Having a gifted kid is going to bring its challenges, to be sure.

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