Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Rusty Church

Since we've moved, going to our church is a 45 minute drive away. Not something I'm always up for. So, for the past two weeks we tried out two local churches. The last one was so bad we (my two little one's and I) left 20 minutes into the service.

It was one of those times. You know, the times you realize you make a mistake as soon as you arrive, but you can't do anything about it?

As soon as we sat down, a woman came over to us, put her hand on my shoulder, and said with such glee, "Welcome! Where are you from? It's so good to have you here today." The desperation in her voice was my first red flag. Then, the service started and both pastors were 85 years-old if they were a day! One stood there holding the Bible, his hands shaking as badly as his voice. The first lesson took ten minutes!

My kids were collapsing with boredom onto my lap and complaining - and after only five minutes! This was not good. I too was bored and by now, my eyes were frantically searching for the exits.

The church had 20 in attendance, all white heads, and it smelled like a sarcophagas that hadn't been opened in two thousand years. Finally, I whispered to Marcus, "Say you have to go to the bathroom." (I figured I'd take them to the bathroom and slip out the door and no one would be the wiser.) "What?" he asked.

"Say that you have to go to the bathroom."

"But I don't have to go to the bathroom!" he yelled. Two white heads turned around. Great, cheers, Marcus, I thought. I waited five more minutes and then said, "Oh sure, honey, let's go to the bathroom," and we left, never to return.

Well, this week we were driving our 45 minutes to church and on the way we pass a decrepid old church that looks like something from the Old South. It's still active but it gives me the willies every time I drive by. I always take the opportunity to thank the Lord I don't attend there, every time I drive by. Well, today, Marcus says, "Dadda?" I turn down the music, "Yes, buddy?"

"I never want to go to that old rusty church."

"Ya, me neither. Looks kind of old huh?"

"Yes. Except, no one goes there anymore."

"Well, I think people still do go there."

"No Dadda. Nobody goes there." I think he wanted to drive home the fact that no one attends that church so I wouldn't get it into my head that we should try it out. After all, I subjected him to that other church only a week prior.

"No, son, I suppose no one does."

"Dad, you can turn up the music now."

"Okay, buddy." And we continued our drive. By the way, we had a great inspirational service at our church. Visiting churches sometimes makes you appreciate what you have, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of a church we tried in West Seattle where we were at least 40 years younger than the next youngest in attendance. It really makes you appreciate what we have.
